
Education Zakat

Education is the best way to secure our future. We need to understand the value of securing our future. In this context we help the dependent students in our country as we know “A Scholarship is A Future”. Every student is our future.

You can now invest in a student’s future for 500 TL per month or you can donate 20 TL to support our fund.

Have you checked these donations?

Education General Donation

You may help students in need from all over the world with the Education Project by providing financial and moral assistance.

Donation Amount
Tekno Genç

Yarının Liderleri İçin Bugünden Yatırım

Donation Amount
Moritanya Eğitim Merkezi

Afrika’nın en fakir ülkelerinden biri olan Moritanya, 1854 yılından itibaren Fransız sömürgesine maruz kalmış ve 1960 yılında bağımsızlığını kazanabilmiştir.

Donation Amount