
Education Gift a favor

“I will be a slave for forty years to anyone who teaches me a letter.” Hz. Ali (Ra)


Learning and teaching science are two issues that our religion values. In his sublime book, our Lord asks, "Are those who know and those who do not know the same?"

He's been sent to the world as a compassion. The Prophet Muhammad, on the other hand, uses: "There are envy of only two persons: one person who spends and devours the wealth that Allah has bestowed upon him by way of justice, he who judges properly with the knowledge that Allah has bestowed upon him and teaches it to others. He taught us how important it is to spend his wealth on the way to God in order to gain the approval of Allah. Moreover, in the early years of Islam, the example of the Sufah Companions is the most prominent illustration of the value our Prophet (Saas) attaches to science and scientific assemblies.

As Hayrat Aid, we will protect orphans and young people in need through the complex project we will build in Sudan with your help, and we will be instrumental in ensuring that they receive religious and positive sciences on a regular and appropriate basis, which they could not receive due to adverse conditions.

You can also help establish this complex in Sudan and help raise many students of science with the good news that "the cause is like the doer."

To donate, please visit our website or send any amount you wish to our bank account numbers with the explanation "HYD194".


The World Changes with Goodness

Hayrat Aid

Have you checked these donations?

Malaysia Orphan Education Centers

Malaysia Orphan Education Centers

Donation Amount
Education General Donation

You may help students in need from all over the world with the Education Project by providing financial and moral assistance.

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Malezya İslam Üni. Nursî Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi

Nursî Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi'miz, IIUM içerisinde 2017 Şubat ayında faaliyete başlamıştır.

Donation Amount