

We heard some good news from a village visited by our volunteers as part of the Laylat Al-raghaib, Islam's blessed night of wishes, program we held on February 3th. According to the information conveyed by the local people, we heard that our student brothers and sisters incapable of reaching a Qurʼān to memorize due to financial incapabilities had started to memorize the Qurʼān thanks to the Qurʼāns and Alif ba juzes distributed with the support of benefactors as part of the World Reads The Qurʼān project around six months ago. 

While the Laylat Al-raghaib was eagerly being observed all across the Islamic world, we came together with those in need in various countries with the purpose of sharing in the emanation and reward of our brothers and sisters. Since the need for the Qurʼān continues, especially in Africa, we continued to hand out the Qurʼān and Alifba without pausing within the World Reads The Qurʼān project on the Laylat Al-raghaib. 

On July 21st, on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, we distributed Qurʼān and Alif ba juzes as part of the World Reads The Qurʼān project in Niger's Libori Zerma village.After intervening months we visited the same place with the same purpose during the daytime of the Laylat Al-raghaib. 

Welcoming us with great joy, the village people told us that the Qurʼāns and Alifba juzes, which we distributed along with the Eid gifts a couple of months ago, led to great things.

They stated that a great majority of 100 students who started their memorization studies with the Qurʼān that we distributed in July 2021 in the region where there is no hafiz due to various impossibilities had already memorized more than five juz (part) of the 30 juz.  

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